Sales Activator

Work faster and smarter with
AI-Powered chat

Our intelligent chatbots make perfect digital assistants for teaching, mentoring, onboarding, learning and development.

Drag and drop
Drag and drop (almost) any type of content and let our AI engine work its magic.
Instant conversations
We provide training & education services to complement and add value to our projects.
Analyse anytime
Get to the heart of the matter, with instant reports, user feedback and usage trends.

We make great learning bots!

Higher education and corporate learning are no longer what they used to be. Digital learning is the new normal.

Imagine being able to automate answering FAQs, administrative tasks, like marking assessments, and even being able to provide adaptive tutoring and coaching – all with the click of a button.

Harness the power of our super chatbots and continue to empower your learners with the gift of knowledge.

ANYBODY can set up AI-powered chat.

Technology should make things easier (not harder, and not add processes and workflows). Chatbots can help to better engage your learners, customers and teams, and offload repetitive tasks.

When can you use a chatbot?

If you asked us, we would say “Anytime”! Here are some jobs your chatbot could do.

Customer Service Agent​​

We provide business outcome Sales Training for all technologies across all vertical markets.

Information Officer​

Are your teams suffering from information overload? Probably so. Sometimes, it’s just easier to ask someone, rather than to search through tons of information.

Onboarding Mentor

It’s not easy being a newbie. Get your new hires up to speed quickly with a virtual onboarding mentor. Your newbies will all get a personalised and consistent onboarding experience. Awesome!

Teacher’s Assistant

Teachers have a tough job, both in and out of the classroom. Take a break and let your virtual assistant answer your students’ questions, and provide virtual tutoring and guidance.

Scale your Customer Service
without hiring

Engage your customers round-the-clock.
Generate sales leads and increase customer loyalty, while automating repetitive processes.

A few things we’re great at

Ready-to-go templates
Select any of our templates, customise for your needs, and you are ready to engage your customers!
Instant analytics
See what your customers are saying, analyse trends and take instant action.
Integrated forms
Collect essential information and link to other tools. like helpdesk systems, CRM, or your live agents.

Provide instant answers with the best virtual Information Officer

Work can be overwhelming with information overload. Help your employees find the answers they need to be super productive and awesome.

Use AI chatbots to automate information management, and be a personal information officer for your teams.

How we do it

Can chatbots be used to manage and communicate vast amounts of information? You certainly can, with these amazing features.

Content Curation
Our algorithm automatically reads and comprehends the content, and generates questions and answers.
Access Control
We can’t always share everything with everyone. Control what information your users have access to.
Storage Integrations
Connect your chat platform directly to your existing cloud storgage. No need to move or copy files around.
Knowledge Clustering
Our platform tries to make sense of the data for you, by grouping similiar subjects or topics.
